>Suggested stronger center with limited provincial Autonomy, relations down since Muslims
interested in provincial autonomy
as national Language
>Muslims shouldn’t be given extra seats in the council
to Pakistan movement:
points as above, with reference to Hindu - Muslim estrangement.
Why produced?
to amend the Nehru report… resulted in a “Parting of the Ways”
>Response to Nehru Report, DEADLOCK since Muslims = No Nehru Report, Congress = No 14 points
>Nehru Report’s Anti Muslim countered
>Jinnah knew British were going to introduce Reforms, so informed them of Muslim demands
Reasons for it being sent
>Growth of Communalism in India and Hindu-Muslim riots. Sent to
negotiate and restore peace between two parties
Report 1919 promised reforms after 10 years
>British Conservative Government feared losing against Labor party
ADDRESS - 1930
Importance to Pakistan Movement:
>Iqbal gave Idea of Muslim Homeland, Strenthened TwoNationTheory
>Nehru report was anti Muslim, Iqbal gave clear cut goal in its opposition
>He was source of Inspiration for future Muslim
Leaders, accepted by Jinnah in 1940 resolution Iqbal’s poetry tried to awaken
Indian Muslims
>Muslim criticized Simon Commission Report (No extra seats, no Sindh
from Bombay separation)
>Deadlock between League and Congress, Nehru report and 14 points
>Previous Reforms rejected by Indians because no Indian Opinion Taken
Reasons for 1st RTC being unsuccessful
refused to attend because reforms were not guaranteed
Why they were important for the Muslims of India
>1st RTC, British agreed on provincial autonomy (14 points demand) (helped
Muslim in Muslim majority areas)
>2nd RTC: British agreed to make Sindh and NWFP separate provinces (good for
Muslims) >3rd RTC Gandhi took a hard line, rejected 14 points. Gulf between two
communities widened
Reasons for 2nd R.T.C. being unsuccessful
>1931 Labor Party lost power, new coalition govt less likely to give
reforms >Gandhi took a hardline and refused minority rights
wanted Nehru Report in Constitution, Muslims wanted 14 points. Disagreement
Reasons for 3rd RTC being unsuccessful
>Lord Irwin replaced with Lord Willington who was less willing to
make reforms, less Indian thus wanted to come. Only 46 delegates came.
>Congress restarted Non Co-operation movement and leaders Gandhi and
Nehru arrested. Thus >Congress leaders didn’t attend
> Jinnah went to voluntary exile after 2nd RTC because disappointed, thus
not invited and did not attend.
>Parliamentery form of govt introduced in which Indians were given
representation, meant that they could negotiate with British for reforms
^Also meant that British were planning to leave India since they
transferred a lot of power to Indians
Diarchy, Provincial Autonomy instead so Muslims approved .
>NWFP, Sindh made into separate provinces, Muslims happy since Muslim
majority areas and political strength increased
draw boundaries for eventual Pakistan
of voters increased to 25%
voted in 1946-45 elections and achieved Independence
>Diarchy reintroduced at Central level, so Viceroy could still make, amend laws.
>Despite Provincial Autonomy, British province Governer could intervene “For safety”
>Still many Indians could not vote
>First major elections contested by League, lacked organization and
planning because no experience
>Muslim League had an image problems, leaders seen as “Aristocrats
and Landlords” poor and illiterate didn’t sense any empathy thus did not vote.
>Muslim League still had not passed the Lahore Resolution, majority
of Muslims did not know >League’s aims. Thus voted for congress because senior
and experienced party and same aim
Reasons for why it was so hated by the Indians and Muslims:
made official language, Muslims could not read, write this, so unemployment
>Bande Matram asked to expel Muslims and was nationalistic Indian
song, became like national song
>Warda Scheme was introduced, picture of Gandhi, cotton weaving.
>Congress banned Cow slaughter, Muslims oppressed if they slaughtered cows.
>Disturbances to Muslim Life: Azaan banned, Pigs pushed into mosques.
>Anti Muslim riots, Muslim property, houses burned. Complaints ignored
>Widdiya Mander scheme, Hindu temple as education centers, Hindu
heroes were taught to Muslim Children